Born: July 21, 1943, Helmond, Holland. Died: June 15, 2015, Maastricht, Holland.
Hans van de Waarsenburg published his first collection of poems, entitled Gedichten (Poems), in 1965. His collection De vergrijzing (The graying) was awarded the prestigious Jan Campert Prize for Poetry in 1973. In March 2004 he received the first Municipal Award of the Helmond Town Council for his entire work.

Between 1997 and 2000 he was chairman of the PEN Centre of the Netherlands. He was also the founder of The Maastricht International Poetry Nights – a big bi-annual international poetry manifestation, and President of it, from 1997 – 2013.
Publications in translation
So treibt die Insel, Germany, 2008.
Azul, México D.F.,2009.
The past is never dead, London, 2013.
Publications in Dutch
Beschrijvingen van het meer (Descriptions of the lake), Rotterdam 2000.
Waar de wegen waren (Wherever the roads went), Amsterdam 2003.
Azul, Amsterdam, 2006.
Wie hier nog komt (A late visitor) Amsterdam, 2009.
Schaduwgrens (Shadow Edge), Amsterdam 2012.
Dodemansdagen (together with Willem van Toorn), uitgeverij Wereldbibliotheek, Mei 2014.